Std 12 Unit - 2_Walt's Mickey Mouse And Disneyland

Unit 2 - Short Note

Walt's Mickey Mouse and Disneyland

- Mickey Mouse in 1928
- Made a history in 1968
- Product of Walt's matchless imagination
- Disneyland a story of Walt's unmatched
- Determination
- In July 1955 it opened with a bang 
- Nothing else like Disneyland on earth

Ans. Walt made a cartoon film Mickey Mouse in 1928. On reaching its 40th year, the cartoon made a history. 100 million watched a Disney TV show, nearly a billion read a Disney book or magazine and almost ten million visited Disneyland, Mickey was the first successful product of Walt's matchless imagination and ability to make his dreams become reality. The story of Disneyland illustrates Walt's vision and his stubborn determination to realise an idea he believed in. For years Walt had quietly nursed the dream of a new kind of amusement park. In July, 1955 Disneyland opened. Since that first day, millions of people have flocked to see the unique creation of Walt's imagination. As Walt had dreamt Disneyland proved to be "like nothing else on the earth".


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