Short Note - Unit 1_Positive Effects Of Love
Short Note : Unit - 1
Positive effect of love
1. What will be the immediate result of love?
2. What will be the feeling one will start to have after love?
3. What love change to a loving person’s face?
4. What will fallen-in-love person will do?
5. What are the advantages of loving a compatible person?
6. Enlist three signs of love?
Love makes life lovable. It teaches us to love ourselves. After falling in love, the person will immediately show the signs of energy in personality. He/she will start looking happy and pretty than ever. The love changes one’s personality on such a big scale, that the person become full of positively, kindness and confidence. After a person starts loving someone, he/she will have felling such as; caring to loved buddy, happiness, positively, removing of negatively, kindness and goodness towards each section of life. Face of the person who has fallen into love, will look more bright, shinier and more glowing than ever. There will always be a smile on his/her face as love is giving positive strength. The fallen-in-love person will start growing kindness, generousness and he helping nature. He/she will greatly care about the loved one. All the activities will have only one final goal, to make the loved one happy and far away from sorrow. If you love a person who is compatible to your personality, you will never have big quarrel. Both of you will be happy and satisfied in relationship. Maturity and stability of love will be more and more reinforced with time, and your whole life will be full of good moments and memories. The first sign of love is that the person start behaving very kindly. The second sign is that he/she very frequently murmurs some romantic words or songs. The third sign is that his/her concentration in other daily work decreases and he/she starts making silly mistakes in routine. Tought you are not success in love, take it positively.
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