Short Note Unit-1_Customer Service Representative's Help To Install Love
Unit - 1 Short Note
Customer Service Representative's Help to Install 'Love'
1. first step
2. programmes running
3. erasing current programmes
4. turning off interrupting programmes
5. installing starts
A customer comes to a Customer Service Representative and ask for his help to install love. The CSR( customer service representative) suggests the lady to open Heart. Some interrupting programmes like PASTHURT. EXE. LOWESTEEM.EXE GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT. COM are running at the time. The CSR says that LOVE will automatically erase PASTHURT.EXE and overwrite some more with other modules. Then the CSR suggests her to go to 'Start Menu', invoke FORGIVENESS.EXE and erase off GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT.COM. Then LOVE will start installing itself automatically to HEART. If she wants upgradation, she needs to connect to other HEARTS. She also describes the further process about self-love and what she needs to do after the love been fully installed.
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