Short Note Unit-1_Language Used In This Read "Can You Install Love ?"
Unit - 1 Short Note
1. Whose dialogue is present in this chapter ?
2. What role is given to then ? 3. What are the programmes running now and what do they seem ?
4. Which programmes are auto installed after love.exe is installed ?
5. What are the requirements for upgrading love.exe ?
6. What is the error while installing love.exe ?
This read is full of computer related technical words. The role of customer represents a hurt person who wants to be normal again. And the customer representative who is consulting him; represents the psychologist or a consultant
giving him consultancy or treatment. A human's heart; or the combined feelings and emotions of a human being are mentioned as the operating system in the chapter. Love is mentioned as a useful and most-needed programme which is to be installed on the OS(Operating System) . Programmes like PASTHURT, LOWESTEEM, GRUDGE AND RESENTMENT are running in the OS at that time and they seem to be the reason for stoppage/obstacle of the love-installation on the OS-HEART , After the programme love.exe is successfully installed. It will also install some other good programmes like SMILE.EXE, It will upgrade the version of ESTEEM.EXE from low to high. It will also install PEACE, CONTENTMENT, WARMTH programmes along with installation. For upgrading the programme Love.exe, you must connect its server from your OS (heart) to other peoples OS and also install LOVE in their computers via your Love.exe; otherwise it will just work as a basic programme and will not be updated. The error while installing love exe is that it is not installing on the internal components of the OS otherwise It seems to be installed only on the external components of OS.